Saturday, January 18, 2025

TPT#424 - Happy To Have Sleep Apnea

George finally decided to change endocrinologists, meanwhile his aunt needs more assistance and his shoulder needs surgery. Life continues apace, no matter how much we might want a break.

We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment, or email us at!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

TPT#423 - Most People Would Think

George continued to pursue treatment for his shoulder, while also seeking supports for Child#2 who turns 18 soon, and having holidays with all our kids.

We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment, or email us at!