Saturday, February 20, 2016

TPT#154 - Pull Yourself Together

Children with developmental challenges aren't the only ones challenged by their unique ways of human-ing. Our Child#2 has had more difficulty controlling his behavior, as we started to discuss last week. However, it didn't end there, and now that his temper has caused other children injury, we start to look for more supportive environment for his after-school care. Which will likely mean hiring a sitter. Which means bringing strange people into our home. Additionally, while all the other stressors are starting to wind down, we are (at recording time) preparing for a temporary escape.

At the time of publishing, we've recorded one of two episodes about our experiences at Gallifrey One, which you may have seen referenced on our social media. Whether you're a whovian or are just curious about the experience of being queer at a convention or other large non-queer-centric social gathering, that will be coming over the next two weeks.

We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!

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