Saturday, January 20, 2024

TPT#398 - How Much Blood The Vampires Took

As George continued recovering from Sepsis and the most recent stage of his lower surgery, we continued to support the other elements of his physical and mental health.

We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment, or email us at!

Saturday, January 6, 2024

TPT#397 - In Bad Shape And I Couldn't Do It

When one of George's incisions from (what we had hoped would be) the last stage of his metoidioplasty got infected, it quickly became a bigger problem than expected.

We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment, or email us at!