Saturday, October 18, 2014

TPT#84 - Optimum Normalcy

Jess has mentioned before that she has become frustrated with managing small people at work. It's her job as a teacher to do so, but it has become increasingly clear that her talents and temperament are best suited to a secondary or post-secondary position. As she searches for a better job, the issue of how to discuss her family life and how to be a good queer role model for her students have been a topic of discussion for the two of us, and we have discussed the question of how "out" to be on George's behalf now, before she makes any statements regarding his trans status to her new staff or students.

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  1. Thank you so, so, so, so much for this podcast! As an older FTM (I'm 52 and just starting to transition), it's hard to find information. I watched a bunch of YouTube last night and it just made me envious of those young boys. . . I wonder if there are any pictures of you guys anywhere? Probably not, for privacy reasons? It would just be so helpful to me to see more images of older transition trans men. If you have any ideas/resources, I'd appreciate that. Thanks.

  2. Oh say, a question. I'm just catching up on all the episodes (up to #40 or so now), but do you folks know anything about transitioning AFTER menopause? That happened for me long ago (8 yrs) and I wonder what differences that might make when I get to start taking T or anything else. Thanks.

    1. We don't post photographs, but is something like us...

      Yes, George knows a good bit about transitioning after menopause... It was one of the primary triggers that finally pushed him to transition. Let us compile some thoughts and we'll get back to this topic.

    2. Our upcoming episode, publishing this Saturday (22 Nov 14), discusses George's thoughts on transitioning later in life: overall it's an easier gig than doing it before, even if you were stuck in the wrong body for longer, because the life experience and stability make your "second adolescence" a much better trip than it would have been at a younger and less grounded age.
